

 The whole world seemed to have converged in New York at the end of September 2015, from Pope Francis to Barack Obama, from Xi Jimping of China to Narendra Modi of India.  Over 150 world leaders gathered at the United Nations building on 1st Avenue to bless the new Sustainable Development Goals, and agenda to transform the world for the better by 2030. Amid much fanfare and in front of thousands of TV cameras, they delivered speech after lofty speech about the new brave world they have agreed to create.

The objective is simply to make her life better in 17 different and very important ways. If these promises are fulfilled, when she is 15 years old, she will live in a totally transformed world. Even partially achieving the following 17 SDGs would ch…

The objective is simply to make her life better in 17 different and very important ways. If these promises are fulfilled, when she is 15 years old, she will live in a totally transformed world. Even partially achieving the following 17 SDGs would change her life and the planet she will live in

Will her life be really transformed, from fear and deprivation to happiness and abundance? It is easy to be skeptical after so many unfulfilled promises over the last seven decades of UN summitry.However, this was the first time in human history tha…

Will her life be really transformed, from fear and deprivation to happiness and abundance? It is easy to be skeptical after so many unfulfilled promises over the last seven decades of UN summitry.

However, this was the first time in human history that all the countries in the world thoroughly discussed and happily agreed how they would like their societies, economies and environment to be 15 years ahead. This was no imposition from richer or stronger countries on the poorer or weaker ones, no technocratic blueprint from some UN agency, but rather the result of three years of discussions, involving millions of people, from all walks of life, government, academia and civil society.

Extreme poverty has been reduced sharply over the last 30 years, mostly in Asia, and unbelievable as it may seem, it is possible for the first time in human history to eradicate it within a generation. We have the resources and the technology; we on…

Extreme poverty has been reduced sharply over the last 30 years, mostly in Asia, and unbelievable as it may seem, it is possible for the first time in human history to eradicate it within a generation. We have the resources and the technology; we only need the political will and the right policies and governance

With nobody going to bed hungry or having to face chronic malnutrition. Ensuring food security and avoiding food waste

With nobody going to bed hungry or having to face chronic malnutrition. Ensuring food security and avoiding food waste

Living healthy lives, enjoying health care and healthy environments; Swimming in beaches instead of using them as toilettes

Living healthy lives, enjoying health care and healthy environments; Swimming in beaches instead of using them as toilettes

Allowing her to study as her brother, from kindergarten to university, receiving quality education.

Allowing her to study as her brother, from kindergarten to university, receiving quality education.

Avoiding age old divergences between men and women, in access to education opportunities, jobs equally paid and legal protection

Avoiding age old divergences between men and women, in access to education opportunities, jobs equally paid and legal protection

With access to clean water a right and not a luxury, and proper sanitation available to all

With access to clean water a right and not a luxury, and proper sanitation available to all

Using renewable energies instead of burning fossil fuels, providing sustainable energy for consumers and producers

Using renewable energies instead of burning fossil fuels, providing sustainable energy for consumers and producers

Providing decent jobs and opportunities for all, making economic growth sustainable and inclusive

Providing decent jobs and opportunities for all, making economic growth sustainable and inclusive

And the necessary public and private infrastructure to promote industrial growth and jobs

And the necessary public and private infrastructure to promote industrial growth and jobs

Reducing the currently enormous and growing income and opportunity gaps, that are not only morally unacceptable but also economically detrimental and politically explosive

Reducing the currently enormous and growing income and opportunity gaps, that are not only morally unacceptable but also economically detrimental and politically explosive

Making cities more livable, reversing the mushrooming of slums and providing the hard and soft infrastructure to ensure quality of life

Making cities more livable, reversing the mushrooming of slums and providing the hard and soft infrastructure to ensure quality of life

Producing and consuming respecting planetary boundaries, recycling and avoiding waste towards a circular economy

Producing and consuming respecting planetary boundaries, recycling and avoiding waste towards a circular economy

Reversing global warming to avoid climate catastrophe before it is too late, limiting temperature rises with its impacts on sea levels, failing crops and catastrophic weather phenomena

Reversing global warming to avoid climate catastrophe before it is too late, limiting temperature rises with its impacts on sea levels, failing crops and catastrophic weather phenomena

Protecting the ocean and seas from growing pollution, reversing the depletion of marine biodiversity and fisheries resources

Protecting the ocean and seas from growing pollution, reversing the depletion of marine biodiversity and fisheries resources

Ensuring our nature is respected and not treated as a garbage dump, reversing deforestation and the destruction of biodiversity

Ensuring our nature is respected and not treated as a garbage dump, reversing deforestation and the destruction of biodiversity

Reducing and preventing conflict, developing transparent, effective and responsive institutions, providing everyone with access to justice

Reducing and preventing conflict, developing transparent, effective and responsive institutions, providing everyone with access to justice

Working all together to implement this agenda, internationally and in each country. Public institutions, civil society and private sector collaborating and creating partnership for our interconnected world

Working all together to implement this agenda, internationally and in each country. Public institutions, civil society and private sector collaborating and creating partnership for our interconnected world

We now know what needs to be done, we have all committed to it, now we need to move from plan to implementation… Let’s do it!

Otherwise, she-he, and all of us on the planet, will pay the price

It may well be our last opportunity.

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